
Nr. of guests
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X 1. Room
Adults - 1 +
Children - 0 +

To find the right room type and the right prices, we would like to know how old your children will be during your stay.

Gyermekek életkora
Please type in the age(s) of your child(ren).
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Danubius Care program

Danubius Care program

Buildings, and in particular hotels play a very important role in emissions of substances responsible for climate change being direct energy users: lighting, heating, cooling, preparing food in large quantities, operating our equipment. At Danubius Hotels we recognize our responsibility towards our planet, and we strive to create a better and cleaner future where we can continue to provide complete relaxation, quality care and exclusive programs to our guests sustainably. The Danubius Goes Green initiative helped defining our environmental protection and responsibility program and started us on a road to limit our consumption of water and energy, to manage our waste and support our local communities across hotels.